Continuing the trend of my reviews of camera bags, I figured I needed to add my favoritest bag of them all, Shootsac. I use this sucker more than any other bag and I have to say that (bag cost only... we need not discuss my shameful cover habit) this product may have the greatest return of interest out of any product that I've purchased for photography.
Item: Shootsac
Product Website: Shootsac
Price: $179.00
What I Bought Bag For/What I Expected: I purchased this bag because from the get-go in my career I knew two things, one - that I'm klutzy as all heck so I knew there was NO way I could carry two cameras and not drop/bash/break one in the course of the day and two - that I love changing lenses and being forgetful, I'd be apt to leave one behind if I continued my method of leaving the lenses in convenient places. I loved the ads and the raves I heard online about how wonderful it was to carry lenses on you and how easy it was to use. I purchased this bag in early 2008 and have used it on practically every shoot since.
Expectation Met: YES! *wahoo*
+ The bag very easily wraps around your body, making it less cumbersome than more traditional camera bags.
+ With the introduction of the shoulder pad (a MUST buy!) it became much more comfortable and easy to carry.
+ The lenses are secure. Two + years later and my lenses still don't wobble or fall out, even though the neoprene has stretched.
+ Cute, cute, cute covers. I try to match my weddings (color wise) and the brides always notice and comment.
+ Cover comes in handy when asking bride to sit anywhere that may mess the dress up.
+ Easy to get in and out of during a wedding.
+ Getting in/out of the bag during a wedding is silent, unlike other bags that have velcro, zippers etc.
+ There are often sales and perks through various times of the year.
- The bag is not cheap, nor are the covers and the shipping can be steep (they often have free shipping sales though!).
- Some people have had issues with the 70-200 falling out, personally I haven't *knocks on wood* but it's been talked about enough that it is a concern. I believe though with the newer model the pockets are deeper and that helps the issue.
- It doesn't hold a SLR. I've seen it done but I could never make mine fit.
- You cannot put a lens in with the hood on facing out, can sometimes get the lens in with the hood backwards but not easy to get in/out.
- While it's becoming a bit more male angled with some mantastic covers, it's still a smidge feminine (according to my hubs anyways).
- Some do complain about the bag not sitting up when set down. This isn't a problem that bothers me but is one you should be aware of if this could be a problem for you.
Picture of me shooting in Punta Cana with the Shootsac:

What's in the bag? Nikon 70-200 VR (which is in use here), Nikon 24-70 2.8, Nikon 60 macro, Nikon 85 1.4, CF card wallet, extra camera batteries, iPhone. During the wedding I also will carry my SB-900 and battery backup (with the battery backup going into a pocket with the flash on the camera).
Corey Ann is a wedding & lifestyle photographer from North Canton, OH. She is a mix of everything - fashionista (runs Clothes for Pros, clothing suggestions for photographers), travel guru, deal hound and geek rolled into one. She's had a website online since 1997 and a blog since 1999. When not plotting world domination or her next trip, she can be found reading one of the 100+ books she reads a year. Follow her on Twitter.
Interesting bag indeed. I'm more editorial and headshot photographer so I don't use long telephoto zooms and this might work. Now, I need to check if I can wear this with a camera on California Sun Sniper strap.
ReplyDeleteToo funny - I just added writing a review here on my ShootSac on my list of future posts. Great minds think alike! And like you -- I love the ShootSac!
ReplyDeleteWhen traveling, I split my gear up into two bags, and keep the essentials on me at all times in a backpack while traveling. I put all my lenses in the ShootSac and then put that in the main pocket of my backpack - my lenses travel in comfort!
Also, my husband doesn't mind carrying the ShootSac for me when we travel, and it is much less inconspicuous than a lot of other bags, especially with my low-key covers on it. Awesome bag, and worth every penny!
I love my shootsac! Although I think the covers are way to expensive... seriously, is just a peace of fabric!
ReplyDeletePart of the problem with why the lenses fall out is because the bag forms a memory. So if you leave your lenses in the bag after a shoot and then take it out the next day, it no longer holds it as tightly as it did when you first put the lens in it... My 24-70 fell out twice before I decided to get a new bag. :)
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - that is interesting. I leave my lenses in my bag all the time, and I've never had one fall out. Were you wearing it when it fell?